Copper Enhances Indoor Waterfalls
Few can afford a personal waterfall like the one flowing underneath Frank Lloyd Wright's "Fallingwater" masterpiece, but many homes are now graced with affordable indoor waterfalls made with copper parts. Last year, Water Wonders, Santa Maria, California, sold $6 million worth. A competitor, HoMedics, Commerce Township, Michigan, offers its "EnviraScape Water Well".

Several chains of specialty shops, including Crate & Barrel, sell the soothing waterfalls, which are also available online from Serenity/Safepoint Systems, Yelm, Washington. The "roofing copper" used by Water Wonders is supplied by A. M. Castle & Co., Franklin Park, Illinois; the copper tubing is supplied by Cambridge-Lee Industries, Inc., Fullerton, California.
Cambridge-Lee: 800-245-3270
Castle Metals: 800-289-2785
Crate & Barrel: 800-967-6696
HoMedics: 800-466-3342
Serenity/Safepoint: 888-881-4668
Also in this Issue:
- It Takes a Lot of Brass to Make Good Music
- Lightweight Copper Cladding
- Copper Alloys Go Golfing with the Pros
- Copper Garage Doors Add Style
- "W" Energized By The Sun
- Heat Transfer Boosted By Copper
- 100 Years Of Copper Rivets
- Copper Enhances Indoor Waterfalls