Copper is an integral part of sustainable energy initiatives because of its reliability, efficiency and performance. Its superior electrical and thermal conductivities increase the energy efficiency of countless energy-driven systems that rely on electric motors and transformers. The same physical properties are vital in the collection and distribution of energy from solar, wind and other renewable sources.
U.S. Needs Electric Vehicles; Our Grid Needs Help to Meet Demand
As electric vehicles (EVs) become more common across America, policymakers must prioritize our electric grid and ensure that it can handle the increasing demand. This op-ed from Zolaikha Strong, Director of Energy Policy and Electrical Markets, Copper Development Association, International Copper Association, highlights the progress and investments that have already been made in EVs by the federal and state governments, and encourages policymakers to further address grid modernization.
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Copper’s Role in the Transition to Clean Energy
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This new infographic illustrates Copper’s expanding role North America’s transition to clean power sources, from energy generation to storage and electric vehicles.
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North American Wind Energy Copper Content Analysis
[PDF - 1Mb]
This report analyzes copper’s growing use for renewable wind energy through 2027. Between 2018 and 2027, it’s estimated 48,721 MW worth of wind energy installations will be constructed with an estimated demand of 4.76 tons of copper per MW.
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Electric Motors:
The use of copper in energy efficient motors for commercial facilities and industrial plants.
Energy Efficiency:
Topics covered here include information on Smart Grid, definitions of efficiency, life-cycle cost and upsizing wire sizes for energy efficiency.
Energy Storage:
Copper's significant role in energy storage applications and integration needs for the US market.
Grid Infrastructure:
Copper is an integral part of electric grid infrastructure because of its superior reliability, efficiency and performance.
Copper plays key role for commercial, industrial and utility sectors seeking alternative energy sources (sun and wind) to generate power.
Virtually all electric power in the country passes through at least one of these units before it's consumed.
Electric Vehicles:
Copper is essential for powering this technology and its electrical infrastructure.Upcoming Events
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