DecoShield for Fire Sprinklers
DecoShield-M "economically conceals fire sprinkler tubing by appearing as decorative molding," according to Jack Grice, president of Creative Systems Engineering, Inc., Janesville, Wisconsin.
The attractive, nationally sold system can accommodate copper tubing diameters of up to 2-1/2 inches to be used in sprinkler installations.
"The modular system is easily installed by fire sprinkler contractors in both new and retrofit construction," Grice says.

Also in this Issue:
- Biosphere 2 Uses Miles of Copper Tube and Wire
- High-Tech Copper Electrodes Help Cadillac Win Award
- Home of Future - Aglow with Copper and Brass
- Rigidized Metals Corp. Grows with Textured Copper Metals
- Copper Roofing Study Completed
- CDA Offers New Software for Bronze Bearing, Bushing Design
- DecoShield for Fire Sprinklers
- Copper Sculpture Baffles CIA
- Copper Consumer Products Draw Attention, Grow in Sales