Carrying Water

Copper in our homes helps to keep us cool, warm, clean and refreshed. Due to its high strength, its durability and its superior heat-transfer capabilities, copper has long been the material of choice for both residential and commercial plumbing and heating systems.
Throughout history, many materials have been used to carry water. Wood, clay, bamboo, lead, iron and steel have all had their day - and their problems. Wood rots, clay collapses, iron and steel rust, and water and food vessels made of lead may have even contributed to the fall of the Roman Empire, according to historians. Plastic is the latest material on the residential plumbing scene, but its short history has included troubles with weak joints, pipe failures and repair bills for unlucky homeowners. Some plastics even burn or melt and give off toxic fumes - not the best plumbing material to have in a house fire!
When it comes to water distribution today, copper is the quality standard accepted by building codes all over the country. When compared to other plumbing materials, the health, safety and economic benefits of copper are significant. Copper is impermeable and biostatic - contaminants don't penetrate it, and copper surfaces actually inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria. Copper tubing and fittings won't burn or melt in a fire. And, in the long run, the cost of copper plumbing systems is equal to or less than other materials when repairs over the life of the materials and higher home resale values are factored in.
Copper is solid.
Copper is strong.
Copper is so reliable it can outlast your house.