The NSS Presents 75th Annual Awards Exhibition

Photograph courtesy NSS
The National Sculpture Society's (NSS) 75th Annual Awards Exhibition is on view through May 30. This juried show features figurative works by fifty-six members as part of the Society's Annual Sculpture Celebration Weekend festivities, from May 16 to 18. At the conclusion of the show in New York City, the exhibition will travel to Brookgreen Gardens in South Carolina where it will be on display from June 28 through August 24.
The Annual Awards Exhibition is the NSS's most popular exhibition and more than 200 artists applied to this year's show. The sculptures on display encompass a variety of media, from bronze, marble and wood, to cast glass and stoneware, all representing the diverse styles, backgrounds and disciplines of NSS members.
Sculptors featured in the exhibit include Béla Bácsi, Richard Becker, Joy Beckner, Richard Blake, Marlys Boddy, Paige Bradley, Betty Branch, Burt Brent, Mary Buckman, Ernest Caballero, Chapel, Judi Charlson, Tim Cherry, Judeth Davis, Jane DeDecker, Thomas Durham, Russell Faxon, Cathy Ferrell, Daniel Glanz, Jay F. Goldstein, Carol P. Harless, Lee Hutt, Martin Isler, Amy Kann, Tuck Langland, Stephen Layne, Roger Martin, Antonio Mendez, Friedrike Mercke, Paul Moore, Ken Newman, Marilyn Newmark, Vala Ola, Dan Ostermiller, Louise Peterson, Rosie Irwin Price, Toni Putnam, Carrie Quade, Carl Raven, Jim Rennert, David Rogers, Randall Rosenthal, Rosetta , Molly Sawyer, Adam Schultz, Michael Shacham, Tim Shinabarger, Stephen H. Smith, Bill Starke, Charles Stinson, Shirley Thomson Smith, Marsha Tosk, Steve Worthington, Eun Nye Yang, Gary Yarrington and Ann Zerger.
The NSS was founded in New York City in 1893 by a group of America's most prominent sculptors, and its members have created much of this country's public sculpture, coins, and medals since the late 1800s. It is the oldest organization of professional sculptors in the U.S., and has been hosting exhibitions for over a century. Leading U.S. sculptors and architects founded the organization in the nineteenth century to "spread the knowledge of good sculpture". Today, the NSS continues to encourage excellence in sculpture throughout America, coordinating regular meetings, gala weekends, educational programs and exhibitions to bring artists together for conversation and networking. The NSS runs many programs dedicated to encouraging good sculpture, and educating young artists in this medium. Scholarships, competitions, and opportunities to exhibit works in New York and elsewhere are a few of the ways the NSS reaches out to the next generation of sculptors. Currently, this not-for profit organization features more than 4000 members in the U.S. and across the globe.
Also in this Issue:
- The Revived Art of Brass and Bronze Marine Hardware
- Apprentice and Alchemist: Tanya Garvis
- Sculpting Copper: Movement through Welding
- Rediscovering the Geddy Foundry's Colonial Roots
- The NSS Presents 75th Annual Awards Exhibition