This Guide Specification was developed to aid those involved in the writing of specifications and construction documents involving the use of copper and copper alloy piping system products. This Guide Specification contains basic information on the standards related to the manufacture of copper and copper alloy piping system products and materials, the sizes, tempers and configurations available in accordance with these standards, the most common technologies used in joining the tube/pipe and fittings outlined in the standards, system installation requirements, and minimum recommendations for all of the above in a variety of building piping systems.
This Guide Specification is organized into four sections and a brief overview of the contents of each section is given below. To view the complete section, click on Read More under each section.
This Guide Specification is also available in Microsoft Word format and in Acrobat PDF format.
This Guide Specification has been prepared for the use of professionals involved in the design, specification, installation and repair of copper and copper alloy piping systems in buildings. It has been compiled from information sources that the Copper Development Association Inc. (CDA) believes to be competent. However, CDA assumes no responsibility or liability of any kind in connection with this document or its use by any person or organization and makes no representations or warranties of any kind thereby.
The requirements contained in this Guide Specification are intended solely as a guide for the design professional and represent minimum recommendations and requirements. These should in no way be substituted for sound engineering practice and judgment. Local codes should be consulted and used to modify this Guide Specification to meet actual project requirements.