Description: Chevron roofs come in a wide variety of configurations. A common design is based on typical batten seam construction, to which auxiliary battens are attached.
These additional battens are decorative and do not contribute to the functionality of the roof. They are usually formed as inverted copper channels that are attached to the roof with copper U-clips.
With proper design, decorative battens can have almost any shape or size and run in any direction. The unobstructed flow of water, expansion and contraction of the copper, and the effects of ice and snow and high winds must all be considered.
Special Conditions: Other chevron roof designs can have fully functional wood battens, which are arranged in a chevron pattern. These rely on specially shaped preformed pans that fit between the battens. However, these designs must be carefully detailed to maintain weathertight performance.
Decking Requirements: Any type of smooth, flat roof deck.
8.4A. Typical Chevron Roof
This drawing illustrates a typical application of decorative battens on a batten seam roof. The auxiliary battens are dimensioned to maintain 1/4" clearance above and to each side of the functional roof. Copper U-clips are soldered onto the copper roofing at 24" O.C., maximum, then the inverted channels are secured to them with blind rivets.

For Additional Information:
- Roofing Systems - Introduction, for general roofing system descriptions and requirements.
- Flashing and Copings, under the appropriate sections for flashing details.
- Basic Details for information on seams, fixed and expansion cleats, hold-downs, edge strips and transverse seams.
- Roofing Systems - Batten Seams for information on the underlying batten seam roofing.