Description: The details show a conical spire clad with copper standing seam roofing. Spires usually have long seam runs (see Detail 13.4C). However, due to the difficulty of handing long pans on steep slopes, the pans are typically constructed using shorter lengths.
The minimum recommended weight for standing seam spire roofing is 16-ounce copper.
Substrate: Continuous nailable substrate.
Fastening Method: Cleats.
13.4A. Elevation
This detail shows the "short". pans of copper standing seam roofing, with transverse seam joining successive pans. A finial is used to cap the top of the spire. Alternate coursing of the pans may be used near the top, to simplify construction. See the plan on Detail 13.4B.

13.4B. Plan
This detail shows the 28 pans used on this particular spire. The number of pans depends on the diameter and height of the spire and on the desired seam spacing Since the pans taper towards the spire apex, special attention is required to limit the seam spacing to 6" or more. For seams converging to less than 6" spacing, alternate panels can be deleted and replaced with larger panels in order to facilitate installation, as shown in the left side of Details 13.4A and 13.4B. The copper finial should be sized such that the standing seams are not less than 6" apart where they terminate at the perimeter of the finial.

13.4C. Pattern Layout
The detail shows the layout of a single seam run. Note the tapered shape of the pan. The minimum pan width is 6". If the standard seam layout would result in narrower pans, then alternate pan coursing should be used, see Details 13.4A and 13.4B.

In order to minimize thermal movement, the maximum length of a single pan is 10 feet. The sides of the pan are turned up to form the standing seam. At the base, the roofing pan is turned down to form a lock.
13.4D. Section
This detail shows the transition between the copper finial and the copper standing seam roofing. The finial can be fabricated out of decorative elements, such as the copper tubing shown.

The roofing pans extend at least 6" under the finial. Copper lock strips are soldered to each pan and engage the lower edge of the finial. Notches must be cut into the bottom of the finial to accommodate each standing seam. Due to the steep slopes on most spires, the pans may, during construction, be suspended from cleats at their upper edge. Such cleats should therefore be designed as structural support elements and their size, weight, spacing, and fastening determined by a structural engineer.
13.4E. Section
A continuous copper lock strip is nailed to the lower edge of the spire at 3" o.c. The copper roofing pans and cornice closure strip are locked onto this strip. A copper cornice is used at the base of the spire.

For Additional Information:
- Roofing Systems - Introduction, for general information on roofing system requirements.
- Roofing Systems - Standing Seam Roofing, for information on standing seam roofing.
- Flashing and Copings, under the appropriate sections for flashing details.