An Open Letter to President Donald J. Trump

January 30, 2025

McLean, VA— January 30, 2025

The Honorable Donald J. Trump
President of the United States
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President,

On behalf of the Copper Development Association (CDA), a U.S. based not-for-profit organization representing the copper industry, I extend our congratulations on your election. We look forward to collaborating to achieve our shared goals: establishing America as the world’s leading energy producer, transforming the United States into a manufacturing powerhouse with products proudly made in America, and revitalizing our cities into safe, clean, and thriving spaces.

The U.S. Copper industry is a strong driver of U.S. economic and national security. Copper supports more than 395,000 jobs and more than $160 billion in U.S. economic output. Copper holds the key to an all-of-the-above national energy strategy. From the grid to oil, gas, LNG, and renewables, copper is critical. Copper will be crucial to the adoption and development of domestic AI and data center capability. Copper also ensures safe and reliable drinking water infrastructure, and plays an indispensable role in modernizing and fortifying our military, ensuring it remains the strongest and most capable force in the world. With demand expected to double by 2035, we need a secure and strong domestic copper industry. Yet, despite its critical role, copper remains absent from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Critical Minerals List—a missed opportunity to strengthen domestic production and ensure national security.

Fortunately, the U.S. has abundant copper reserves and strong global partnerships, but domestic mining and refining face significant delays. New mines take an average of 29 years to become operational, one of the longest timelines globally. Refining is also constrained, with only two domestic primary smelters in operation, forcing the U.S. to export 341,000 metric tons of copper ore and concentrate in 2023 for refining abroad. While copper’s durability keeps over two-thirds of all mined copper in productive use, insufficient scrap will be available over the next decade to meet surging demand, as much remains in active use. Emerging recycling capacity in the U.S. primarily targets high-quality scrap, leaving contaminated and alloyed materials underutilized. Expanding recycling infrastructure could boost supply but would still fall short of addressing projected demand.

Increasing mining and refining, enhancing recycling, keeping copper scrap within our borders and continuing relying on our dependable trade partners including Chile, Peru, Canada and Mexico, are all essential but none alone are sufficient. The U.S. must also adopt an all-of-the-above strategy to secure its copper supply. This includes increasing mining, refining, and recycling. Without action, reliance on imports could exceed 60% by 2035. Copper’s inclusion on the USGS Critical Minerals List would unlock investment, expedite permitting, and fortify supply chains, ensuring the U.S. meets the doubling demand projected for 2035 and we urge your administration to include copper when the 2025 USGS list is released.

The Copper Development Association stands ready to support your administration in achieving these objectives. We are committed to providing expert insights, fostering dialogue, and working collaboratively to secure a prosperous and sustainable future for all Americans.

Congratulations again, and we look forward to partnering with your administration to build a stronger, more resilient United States.


President & CEO 

Copper Development Association Inc.
1660 International Drive, Suite 600
McLean, VA 22102 
