Gurley, Alabama
New Construction
Sheet Metal Contractor
CopperWorks CorporationDecatur, Alabama
Nola | VanPeursem Architects, PCHuntsville, Alabama
General Contractor
Kenneth Chandler ConstructionHuntsville, Alabama
Copper Manufacturer
AurubisBuffalo, New York
A five-year expansion project to a private residence in the secluded hills of Gurley, Alabama, involved more than 13,000 pounds of copper. The project consisted of remodeling the home’s roof and constructing a two-story pool house. It also consisted of a new kitchen and living area extension on the main home. The two-story pool house is designed as an older style English residence that mixes different roofing systems to re-create a historical aesthetic. Copper was a key element in the project, because the metal is not only visually aesthetic, but it is also durable and long-lasting.
Architectural Categories: Flat Seam Roofs and Walls, Standing Seam Roofs and Walls

Photo Credit: CopperWorks Corporation

Photo Credit: CopperWorks Corporation

Photo Credit: CopperWorks Corporation

Photo Credit: CopperWorks Corporation

Photo Credit: CopperWorks Corporation

Photo Credit: CopperWorks Corporation

Photo Credit: CopperWorks Corporation

Photo Credit: CopperWorks Corporation

Photo Credit: CopperWorks Corporation

Photo Credit: CopperWorks Corporation